Também albergará um hotel de peregrinos da Terra Santa, um centro multimídia para mostrar com novas tecnologias a mensagem e a vida de Jesus e a história do lugar; e um centro que, inspirando-se na figura de Maria Madalena, ...
Targenyder was my first serious attempt at writing a novel. I started it when I was eighteen or nineteen and abandoned it when I was twenty-two. It was originally hand-written, and then typed (on a typewriter, not a computer? my first b.../b
Me to fotismo ton fanarion ti tha sou elege i methodos HDR? Se xaireto, Leonidas. Great; TGULUMSER ? Gold Star Critiquer/Silver Workshop Editor/Gold Note Writer [C: 882 W (6741); [2008-04-26 8:05]. Hello Panagiotis, ...